
Grateful to Have a Program

When I was in High School, my sociology teacher challenged us to fast on Thanksgiving, rather than gorge ourselves.  My  mother would not allow it, but ever since then, I've taken an alternative view of Thanksgiving.

I've tried to make it about intangible things like...gratitude, (what a concept,) and peace.  As an adult child, my best Thanksgivings were spent alone, away from my family of origin.

This year, I have you all.  Real people struggling with and celebrating the big and small things in life.  Thank you for sharing your lives with me.  And whether you are having a Norman Rockwell Thanksgiving or, in a country that doesn't recognize Thanksgiving at all (like my husband is,)  I wish you a peaceful day.

See you Friday!
blog monkey

1 comment:

  1. Great post hun. And cute picture! I hope the monkey only posed for the picture *AFTER* the bird was cooked. :-)
